Re: Breaking in from the monitor

dan (
Sat, 28 May 1994 11:31:15 -0500

fyi, to put suns in secure mode,

(for desktop sparc models)
#eeprom security-mode=command
Retype password:

(for other models)
#eeprom secure=command
Retype password:

This stops access to the new command mode.

Really, though, if you have a non-secured console, you can always just do a
"b -s" and it will put you into single user (suid 0) mode after rebooting.

[for the more paranoid, you can replace "command" with "full", but ive found  
this more hindersome to legit tasks than mandated by security issues. (ie, in
full mode you cant remotely reboot as you need to locally input a prom password
on startup)  

        - dan